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804 Keenler has caused a complete shutdown of intelligence in my brain

Updated: May 1, 2021

Let me just... take you through what happened to me yesterday, January 29th, 2021, the day that The Blacklist episode 804: "Elizabeth Keen" aired.

I woke up at 10am, hopped on a call with someone from ETRADE for approximately 8 minutes, then I went back to bed and woke up at 1pm. At 2pm, I went to Trader Joe's and bought lots and lots of ice cream. I got back to my dorm room at around 5pm, at which point I applied to some internships and thought about how I hate interviews.

So, usually I record The Blacklist and watch it later so that I can skip the commercials. But at 7:50pm I made a decision that would change the course of my evening.

I decided I'd watch The Blacklist episode live.


Two days ago, I wrote about how I hoped that this episode would kick off with a Keenler scene. What I imagined was the morning after. Maybe Ressler wakes up shirtless alone, Keen already long gone (maybe she leaves a note if the writer's are feeling generous). Maybe a singular shot of them sleeping in bed, the sun peeking through the window. Maybe LITERALLY ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHAT WE GOT.

There is no way to say it except to say it.

Elizabeth Keen and Donald Ressler had sex.

I cannot believe I just wrote that sentence and it's true. BUT THEY DID! It was unmistakable, no room for doubt, no wondering what happened behind closed doors. Because they showed us what happened after the door slam. They freaking showed it. And it was hot. And beautiful. And everything I never thought we'd get.

Even sitting here now, I am in shock. Which is saying something because I was also in shock last night. I sat my housemate, someone who has never seen a single episode of The Blacklist, down and explained how monumental this moment was, how I had waited seven seasons for it to happen, and took her through all the signs, all the angst, all the feelings. I texted a friend, who also, shocker, has never seen The Blacklist, and accepted her congratulations on Keenler's behalf. I lied down on my floor with a hand on my forehead and scrolled through my contacts to see who else I could bother about this.

I texted my oldest sister in all caps, just pure celebration of two TV characters boning, and she responded: "yay."

Although Keenler sex is objectively speaking the highlight of all Keenler moments ever, we cannot ignore those small moments that the writers dropped in (despite the fact that we have now been spoiled beyond belief).

First of all, Liz continuing to call Ressler? And Ressler continuing to keep it to himself (until that last one when he did turn her in, but she knew he was going to do it because they know each other so well. I'm fine.)? PLUS, Ressler finally asking why Liz continues to call him and her saying, "Every time we say goodbye, I'm afraid we might actually mean it"? Please, guys, that was angst gold. And honestly so proud of Ressler for finally demanding some answers because he deserves them.

Second of all, Aram catching on to the Keenler vibes? Him realizing that Liz reached out to Ressler already and saying "Was it at your apartment? Please tell me it wasn't at your apartment." ha. hahahaha.

Third of all, Cooper saying that if Liz makes contact, to let him know, and then the pointed camera linger on Ressler? Please, y'all, let me live. It was too good. You KNOW he was thinking about the exact moments Liz was thinking of when she was smirking in the car (ok quick note on how absolutely illegal it should be that the writers did that. just. right out the gate, Keenler sex in between shots of Liz smiling. PLEASE.)

I just... I don't know how this happened. Over the past 7 seasons, we have just been holding onto every Keenler moment we get, whether that be a random touch or a glance or, on a very very rare occasion, a hug. There were episodes when Liz and Ressler wouldn't even interact at all. And because of that, what has happened so far in season 8 feels so unreal. Keenler was my ship that I never thought would actually become canon, but here we are. Here we are. We got a kiss, multiple phone calls, and a freaking sex scene in just the first four episodes of season 8. I do not think I have the brain capacity to fully internalize this right now.

OKAY, so they slept together. If I could just isolate that moment and ignore the fire burning around them, I would. But, alas, The Blacklist is The Blacklist.

Two days ago, I also talked a bit about why I thought the writers were doing this. Obviously, I thought that Keenler was coming, ever since "Brothers." But the writers aren't going to do this if there is no reason, and it's becoming clearer and clearer to me that the relationships Liz has with the task force are going to be more important than ever. And not just between Liz and Ressler- also between Liz and Aram, Cooper, and even Park. Park has known Liz for the least amount of time, which I definitely think will become a key point moving forward.

When Liz first became a fugitive in season 3, the task force was close, no doubt, but they had only known each other for two years. Two years of working closely with a criminal mastermind, but still, two years. Ressler obviously cared for Liz in season 3, but she was still with Tom. Looking back, I see season 3 as a real bonding moment for them. Ressler did everything in his power to keep Liz safe, gave her every benefit of the doubt. And after that, it was no surprise that they were linked forever.

So now, in season 8, even before their relationship became deeper after the kiss, they were already best friends, partners. They've gone through seven whole years of disaster and tragedy and loss together, but now, on top of that very deep bond, they've now taken their relationship to the next level.

The sex scene was necessary. There can't be any doubt about what happened in Ressler's apartment (not like last time) if the writers are going to use this relationship to their advantage. There are no more walls between these partners, no hurdle left to jump over. They've gone all the way, and that is going to make things so much more complicated as Ressler and the task force chase Liz once again (Especially if we say that Ressler has had feelings for Liz for years. Which I am saying. I am saying that. Because he has. I swear.). We already saw the complications start happening in this episode, when Liz manipulates the task force to get what she wants.

Liz is unhinged right now, and non-Keenler shippers are going to say that she only slept with Ressler so that she can have the upper hand when she goes on the run. To them, I say that I cannot believe they would think Liz could do something like that (I mean, yes, I just said she's unhinged, but some things are sacred). Plus, the Johns have already confirmed that feelings are involved so put that to rest y'all. Keenler is happening so buckle up.

HOWEVER. Just because there are feelings involved from BOTH parties does not mean I think Liz won't use them to her advantage. I believe she will. And I believe she will without thinking about the consequences that may have in the future.

This is just the start.

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